DISC - Build a High
Performing Team

DISC Assessments get the right staff
in the right seats doing things right

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DISC is the most widely used behavioral assessment tool, adopted by organizations around the world to improve teamwork and understand different communication styles. We are DISC Behavioral Specialists Certified through TTI to help you build your organization with the right people, and help you understand how to motivate and lead them more effectively.

TTI Success Insights is the only provider of DISC assessments in the marketplace that generates 384 unique reports, customized for leadership, sales teams and individuals. Backed by 30 years of research, we use DISC to help reveal hidden talents and skills that create high-performing teams.

Keep Watching

Erick Simpson’s DISC Overview | Video Two: Motivators

Erick Simpson’s DISC Overview | Video Three: Sales Skills Index

DISC Assessments

DISC Assessments measure observable human behavior according to 4 characteristics. By assessing your team and understanding their behavioral profile, we are able to ensure everyone is in the right seat on the bus, set proper performance and communication expectations, implement effective team-building initiatives and place your staff on a path to professional success and improved job satisfaction.

The 4 core behaviors measured are:

  • Dominance – How we respond to problems & challenges.
  • Influence – How we respond to people & contact.
  • Steadiness – How we respond to pace & consistency.
  • Compliance – How we respond to procedures & constraints.

Motivators Assessments

When we only have DISC, we only have one perspective to understand people. By combining the DISC profile with the Motivators assessment, we not only understand HOW a person behaves, but also WHY they move into action.

With this combination, we can understand how two people with a very similar “high D” style can appear so different — it’s because their motivators inform their behaviors.

For instance, when someone has a strong “Social” motivator combined with a “high D”, the social motivator (a drive to help others and remove conflict) tends to soften some of the D style’s characteristics. 

This multi-science approach produces more meaningful and useful feedback for you and your customers.

Sales Skills Index

This assessment is specially designed for sales resources. The Sales Skills Index helps to ensure that your sales professionals will handle each sales opportunity correctly.

The Sales Skills Index assessment presents questions that portray “real life” sales situations. Each situation has 4 alternative ways to be handled.

The Sales Skills Index report shows the individual’s strengths, weaknesses and how well they understood sales strategy in the 7 categories.

This allows us to laser-focus on the areas a sales person is weakest in to rapidly improve their sales success.

The Sales Skills Index Covers 7 Different Steps in the Sales Process:

– Prospecting
– First Impressions / Greeting
– Qualifying / Questions
– Demonstration
– Influence
– Close
– General


Ready to find out more?

To better understand the uniqueness and quality of these DISC, Motivators and Sales Skills Index instruments, and how they can help you hire, build and develop a high-performing operational, technical and sales team, schedule a call with us!

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